Traffic Violator School Program: §42005 CVC

Traffic Violator School Eligibility

Notice: If you are eligible and decide not to attend traffic school your automobile insurance may be adversely affected. One conviction in any 18-month period will be held confidential and will not show on your driving record if you complete a traffic violator school program.

  • You are eligible for traffic school for a traffic infraction if you meet the following criteria:
  • You have not completed traffic school within 18 months of receiving the current citation.
  • You do not possess a class A, class B, or commercial class C license.
  • If you were cited for a speeding violation, you were not travelling more than 25 mph over the cited safe speed.
  • The violation did not occur in a commercial vehicle.
  • The citation is not for a violation of Vehicle Code section 20001( accident with injury or death), 20002( hit and run), 23103 (reckless driving), 23104 (reckless driving with bodily injury), 23105 (reckless driving- specific injury), 23140 (minor- BAC .05 or greater), 23152 (DUI), 23153 (DUI with injuries), or 23103 as specified in 23103.5.
  • The violation is not precluded by California Rule of Court rule 4.104.

How to Locate a Traffic Violator School

Due to recent legislation, the role of monitoring and approving internet/home study traffic schools is being transitioned to the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV).

During this transition period, you may select a traffic school from one of two sources below:

 Visit the DMV for a listing of Classroom Courses, Home Study Courses, or Internet Courses Licensed by the DMV

When accessing the above DMV website, click on ‘Start Search’, then ‘Access the system’, then select, ‘Traffic Violator School Provider’. Select ‘Go to Step 1’, then select Traffic School of interest, ‘Classroom Course, Home Study Course, or Internet Course’. Follow the directions to locate a traffic school.

  • For assistance with the DMV’s TVS list, call the DMV’s Business Licensing Unit at (800) 777-0133.
  • View a listing of Home Study/Internet Traffic Schools by clicking the button below.

List of Home Study/Internet Traffic Schools

Check the Status of a Traffic School Certificate

If you completed Traffic School and want to check that the certificate was received by the court, please go to the following source:

Check status of Traffic School Certificate

Traffic Violator School Court Imposed Fees and Other Important Information

In order to sign up for traffic school, you must pay your fine plus a $64.50 administrative fee, either by mail, in person, or using the court's online system. If you plead guilty and successfully complete traffic school by the given deadline, no point will be recorded against your driver’s license. You cannot request TVS w/ payment plan online or  by mail. In person appearance is required to make the initial payment and sign the payment agreement paperwork.

If you previously forfeited bail, and you are now requesting traffic school, you must submit the administrative fee of $64.50 to receive traffic school information.

If payment is received by mail or automated phone, a list of court-approved traffic schools will be sent to your address. If payment is received by online method, you must access the list of traffic schools from one of the links earlier on this web page

The court must receive your traffic school certificate by your completion due date. If you fail to complete traffic school and submit proof to the court by the due date you may have a conviction reported to DMV, a point on your driving record, a referral to Revenue Services for payment, and/or a hold placed on your driving record.

If you are cited as a minor you must appear in court. At the hearing, you may request to attend traffic school and the Judge will determine your status.

You are not eligible for traffic school if you are charged with an alcohol or drug related charge. You are also not eligible for traffic school if you are charged with a two-point violation. If you fail to appear by your pay or appear date you are not eligible for traffic school until you pay all fees and civil assessments, or you appear in court and the Judge authorizes it.

Effective September 20, 2005, pursuant to Vehicle Code 42005, drivers with a commercial driver's or drivers of a commercial vehicle as defined in subdivision b of Vehicle Code section 15210 are prohibited from attending traffic school. Per VC42005(b), defendants with a commercial license are eligible for TVS, if they were not driving a commercial vehicle at the time of violation.

Pay Your Fine Online