Mission Statement
Open to All, Trusted by All, Justice for All
Placer Superior Court
The Placer Superior Court serves all people in Placer County as one of the state's 58 trial courts. The court has jurisdiction over all criminal cases including felonies, misdemeanors and infractions; all civil cases, including small claims, probate and conservatorships; family law/support cases; mental health and juvenile law cases.
Presiding Judges & Court Executive Officer
Presiding Judge: Hon. Alan V. Pineschi
Assistant Presiding Judge: Hon. Jeffrey Penney
Court Executive Officer: Jake Chatters
Click on the topics below for more information.
Hon. Howard G. Gibson Courthouse
10820 Justice Center Drive
Roseville, CA 95678
(916) 408-6000
Information about requesting accommodations for those with disabilities.
Grand Jury
Learn about the Grand Jury of Placer County.
History of Placer Court
Learn about the history of the Placer Country Superior Court.
Hours & Holidays
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Interpreter Information
Learn about the Court's Interpreter procedures.
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Judicial Assignments
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Jury Service
Learn about serving on the Jury and how to check your Jury status.
Language Access
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Locations & Contact Info
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Media Information
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Case Records/Copy Request
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