Court Reporter Transcripts

Reporters in Civil and Family Law Matters

Pursuant to Local Rule 10.15 and CRC2.956, the Court provides court reporters under limited circumstances in Civil and Family Law matters. Please see Local Rule 10.15 for more information.

How Do I request a court transcript?

Note: To request copies of documents from a court file, a Case Records/Copy Request needs to be submitted to the proper case type department.

Use one of the follow methods to request a transcript from the court. Allow the court 3 business days to process your request. You will be contacted regarding the cost of the transcript.
By Phone: Call 916-408-6153

If you do not know the name of the court reporter, please visit the clerk’s office and request to see the case file. The court reporter's name appears on the minute order.

How much will my transcript cost?

You will be contacted with the cost of the transcript. They will also discuss how to pay for the transcript, the length of time it will take to complete, and where to pick it up. At this time, you can ask any other questions you may have.

What if I need my transcript ASAP?

If your transcript request is urgent, mark “RUSH” on the Transcript Request Form. It usually takes a few days to process a request, but we will expedite rush requests. There may be an additional fee for expedited transcript requests; if so, you will be advised when contacted.

In some cases, it may not be possible for a reporter to provide a transcript on a rush basis, but every effort will be made to meet the request

From how far back in time can I request a transcript?

According to state law (Government Code Section 68152 (j)(7)), the court reporters’ notes for criminal cases are destroyed after ten years, and notes for civil cases are destroyed after five years. The notes for death penalty cases are never destroyed.

There may be transcripts of certain proceedings in the court files. If you would like to possess a copy of any of these transcripts, please contact the Unit Manager listed below with the name of the court reporter. At that time, we will help you get in contact with the specified reporter.


If you have any other questions or concerns, contact Colleen Waner, Court Operations Supervisor, at 916-408-6062.