Court-Appointed Professionals

General Information

As of January 1st, 2021, Placer Superior Court has adopted policies for the application, selection, and appointment of professionals in criminal, civil, and juvenile justice cases. Types of professionals include, but are not limited to, indigent defense, psychological and/or psychiatric experts, and criminal investigators.

Minor’s counsel for family law will continue to be governed by Local Rule 60.3, and Dependency Counsel will continue to be provided via an MOU with court providers.

Application Materials

PLEASE NOTE: Depending on the application you are completing, there may be additional documentation required. These additional documents are noted in the application itself, and without them, the application will be deemed incomplete. Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.

  1. Court-Appointed Professional Cover Sheet.
  2. Curriculum Vitae/Resume;
  3. Copy of professional license;
  4. Completed Application for specific appointment list:
    1. Conflict Counsel/Indigent Defense.
    2. Psychological/Psychiatric Expert.
    3. Criminal Investigator.

If you are already serving on the Court-Appointed Conflict Counsel List and would like to move to a different class, you may complete and submit a Reclassification Application to the court. Please refer to the court policy above for additional information.

Payment Information

To receive payment for services on a case-by-case basis through the Placer County Assigned Counsel Program, the attorney/expert must complete a Payment Voucher. Complete instructions and procedures regarding payment are included in each document. The Court reviews and approves all attorney/expert claims prior to submitting to Placer County, the responsible agency for payment of qualified Indigent Defense expenditures. Additional payment information and voucher forms can be found on the Placer County website