Media Information

Policies and Rules

Please review California Rules of Court for what types of reporting are acceptable in the courtroom and confidentiality rules for Records Requests.

California Rules of Court


To make a request to photograph, record or broadcast proceedings, please review the following Information Packet to fill out from MC-500.

Unlimited Civil Complaint Portal

WARNING: Documents viewable through this portal have not been accepted by the court for filing. The purpose of this portal is to allow public inspection of unlimited jurisdiction civil complaints upon electronic submission to the Court. Upon review, the court may deem the document:

  1. Filed,
  2. Received, or
  3. Rejected.

Public inspection is subject to the restriction of California Rules of Court, Title 2, Division 4. As a user, you are acknowledging these restrictions and are accessing the documents solely for legitimate news reporting purposes. Users may not misuse the information or make any unlawful disclosers of information obtained.

Unlimited Civil Complaint Portal


The forms that are available on this Website are in PDF format and require a PDF reader to view them. Adobe Reader, is available for free and allows you to view, navigate and print these PDF files. To get Adobe Reader visit the Adobe Website.


News Releases - Link to our news release page