Historic Courthouse FAQs

Have questions about this location? You can find more information about the Historic Courthouse location in the  FAQs below.

Are there pay phones available to the public?

There are no pay phones available at this location.

Is there public parking available?

There is a free small parking lot located in the front of the courthouse as well as a public parking lot located across the street on Auburn Folsom Road. There is also 3 hour limited parking on the streets surrounding the courthouse.

Is there a children's waiting room

There is not a children’s waiting room available at this time.

Are there public Restrooms?

Restrooms are available on the first and second floors.

Is there a cafeteria or vending machines?

Vending machines are available on the first floor behind the elevator. There are also several restaurants within walking distance.

Can I file documents at this location?

Documents may be filed in the Clerk’s Office located on the second floor. Hours of operation are from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. After hour filings may be left in the drop box located near the Clerk’s Office.

Can I request and view files at this location?

No. Files are located at the Honorable Howard G. Gibson Courthouse in Roseville and the Tahoe City Courthouse and must be requested and viewed at one of those two locations. There is an exception for Juvenile Cases, which must be requested at the Juvenile Courthouse in Auburn.

Is there court security?

As a matter of public safety, everyone entering the building is required to pass through a weapons screening device and bags are subject to inspection. Weapons and contraband of any kind are prohibited and items that potentially could be used as a weapon are not permitted in the courthouse. When planning your time, please allow yourself an extra 5-10 minutes to pass through security.

Is there wireless Internet access?

Yes, wireless Internet is available free of charge on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th floors of the courthouse.