Evidence Sharing FAQs

What do I need to get started?

  1. Your hearing must be set with the court, eligible for a remote video appearance, and at least one party must schedule for a remote appearance.
  2. A device with internet connectivity to schedule your appearance.
  3. An email address and mobile phone. You will be required to log in to California’s statewide authentication system using your email address.
  4. Sign up for your appearance.  Note that case numbers must be searched in the following format: “R-SC-000000”.


Video: Evidence Sharing Process

This video walks you through each step of the evidence sharing process:




See commonly asked questions about CourtCall evidence sharing below.

What do I need to begin sharing evidence?

Evidence sharing is available to case/events designated as eligible for both remote appearance and evidence sharing.

Once you’ve signed up for a remote video appearance – OR – confirmation that the other party has signed up, you will need ONE of the following:

  1. A computer running Chrome version 54 or above, a webcam and a microphone. Headphones and charger are recommended. Do not use Internet Explorer.
  2. An iPad running Safari version 12 or above. Headphones and a charger are recommended.
  3. An Android tablet running Chrome version 57 or above. Headphones and a charger are recommended.

For a better internet connection, use a wired connection with your device or connect your device to a reliable Wi-Fi connection. We do not recommend using cellular data connection.

How do I begin uploading evidence prior to my hearing date?

If you have signed up for a remote video appearance, log into the Remote Court Scheduler and use the "Upload Evidence" tab to upload evidence. Further information and instructions can be found in the Remote Appearance User Guide.

If you have not signed up for a remote appearance, confirm the other party has already done so. Once you receive that confirmation, go to the court’s remote appearance and evidence sharing website.

What if I will not be appearing remotely? How do I share/view evidence with the other party?

Parties appearing in person that need to share/review evidence with/from the opposing party appearing remotely, can either:

  1. Go online to search for your case and begin evidence sharing in advance of scheduled case event -OR-
  2. Be assisted by court staff on the day of the court event.

In-person parties, that have not already uploaded evidence files, should bring all evidence (electronic files, paper files, other objects) with them to court. Scanning stations, cameras and computers will be made available to allow evidence to be uploaded.

Tablets/Laptops will be made available at the court for in-person parties to review evidence provided by the opposing party as well.

In-person parties are required to have an email address and mobile phone in order to register for, and access, Evidence Sharing capabilities.

What types of files can I upload?

Evidence Sharing is capable of accepting the following types of electronic files:

  • Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)
  • Image files (.jpg, .jpeg, .png)
  • Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx)
  • Microsoft Excel (.xls, .xlsx)
  • Sound files (.wav)
  • Video files (.avi, .flv, .wmv, .mp4, .mov)

Make sure all files to be uploaded are already on the laptop or tablet before attempting to upload.

How should I name my files?

Name your file(s) with a descriptive word or phrase that will inform you what that document is. Examples: “Lease signed 3-10-19”; “Photo of Blue House”; “Emails from March-April 2019”

File names cannot include special characters. Examples: \ / : * ? " < > | If your file name includes any special characters, the website will not let you upload that file until the special characters are removed.

Files should also be broken down into separate exhibits. Do not combine all your files into a single exhibit. For example, if you have (1) a lease, (2) a photograph, and (3) copies of emails, you should be uploading three separate files.

My case is currently set to view mode and I cannot upload files. What do I do?

All cases are initially set to allow folder parties to upload files (Upload mode) until 1 hour prior to your case’s next scheduled event.

One hour prior to the scheduled event date/time, evidence folders are set to read-only (View mode). During this time parties are able to view each other’s evidence files and any files that have been previously admitted to the court.

Please call (916) 408-6405 if you believe your folder should still be in Upload mode.

I forgot my username and/or password. How can I recover it?

If you have already signed up for an account to either schedule a video appearance and/or manage evidence, the follow this instruction page to recover and reset your password.

I'm having issues and this FAQ page isn't answering my question. Now what?

If you’re having CourtCall Remote Appearance or Evidence Sharing related issues and cannot find the answer on this FAQ sheet, please call (916) 408-6405