Remote Appearance System - Civil

Joining the Video Conference

NOTE: You can test your device’s compatibility using link: 

The video conference software Zoom is available providing the notice of remote appearance is acknowledged prior to Mandatory Settlement Conference date. You will be able to join the conference through a link the court emails you.

  1. You do not need a Zoom subscription to join the video conference. By selecting the link provided to your email, you will be automatically connected to the Settlement Conference calendar.
  2. You may connect to the video conference from either your computer or tablet/phone. The court recommends using a computer, if possible.
    • If you are using a desktop computer or laptop, you will not be required to install the Desktop App version of Zoom. You will be able to join directly from your Web Browser (Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Opera).
    • If you are using a tablet or phone, you will be required to download the Zoom app, but will not be required to make an account.
  3. It is recommended to use a wired connection or highly reliable Wi-Fi connection with your computer. The court does not recommend using cellular data as it may cause quality issues.
  4. You must be located in a quiet, indoors location. It is recommended to use headphones

Participating in the Video Conference

At the start time of the calendar, click the link provided in the email to join the conference. When you join, you will be prompted to provide a name. Please use both your first and last name. During the call, there are a few controls to be aware of:

Symbol Use
Video Off Icon
Video On Icon
Mute or Unmute your Video (use the ^ menu option to expand your video settings)
Audio Off IconAudio On Icon Mute or Unmute your Audio (use the ^menu option to expand your audio settings)
Leave Meeting Icon Disconnect from the Call
Move Back to Main Room Icon Move back to Main Room

After you have joined the conference, the court clerk (Moderator) will be moving parties into their own breakout rooms/sessions to conduct settlement discussions. The court clerk will bring the pro-tem judge into each breakout room/session.


Drafting Agreements

If there is no agreement during the settlement conference, you will still be required to attend your Civil Trial Conference.

If there is an agreement during the settlement conference, the agreement may be circulated for signature before submission to the Court. Parties should expect to sign an agreement on SignNow before disconnecting from the conference.

Frequently Asked Questions