Remote Civil Hearings

Placer Superior Court is pleased to offer remote appearances in Civil cases. This webpage outlines the process for all Civil, Probate, Small Claims, Mental Health and Adoption hearing types. Check for your hearing type in the table below to see which category it falls under. If your hearing type is not listed, please contact the Clerk’s Office for assistance.


Remote Appearances are guided by Local Rule 10.24 (click here for the Court’s Local Rules webpage), Code of Civil Procedure, section 367.75, and California Rules of Court, rule 3.672. The procedural remote appearance requirements depend on the hearing type you would like to appear remotely for.  Below is a summary of all remote appearance requirements for each Civil category (Simplified Notice Requirements and Written Notice Requirements, and Evidentiary and Non-Evidentiary Hearings).


You can open a downloadable and printable PDF version of the procedural requirements to appear remotely in Civil cases BY CLICKING HERE.


For defendants appearing at Writs of Habeas Corpus from the local hospital (Cirby Hills), remote appearances are mandatory. Please contact the Civil Unit at the Clerk’s Office. The Court schedules all remote appearances. A party may request a personal appearance upon a good cause showing using Local Form PL-CV014 – Request To Appear In Person: Civil.

Evidentiary Hearings

Any hearings where parties may provide oral testimony.


Simplified Notice Requirements Written Notice Requirements *


  • Civil Default Judgments
  • Conservatorship Hearings
  • Guardianship Hearings
  • Small Claims Hearings and Trials


  • Adoption Hearings and Trials
  • Civil Harassment Hearings & Trials
  • Court Trials (Including Probate and
  • Unlawful Detainer trials)
  • Jury Trials
  • LPS Hearings
  • Orders of Examination



To notice: NONE. Parties do not need to file any forms – scheduling a remote appearance online is considered notice to the court.

  • Parties do need to notify/notice all other parties, however proofs of service are not required.

To oppose: RA-015 Opposition to Remote Proceeding at Evidentiary Hearing or Trial


IF EFILING, PLEASE NOTE: The opposition form should be submitted using the Document name Response to Intent to Appear by Video.



To motion/notice: Submit RA-010 - Notice of Remote Appearance AND Local Form PL-CW010A - Attachment to Notice of Remote Appearance at the same time

  • Parties must either complete Declaration of Notice section on RA-010 or file a proof of service with the forms.


IF EFILING, PLEASE NOTE: The Notice and Attachment should be submitted as two SEPARATE documents in the same submission. All forms should be submitted using the Document name Proposed Request to Appear by Video: Trial or Evidentiary Hearing.


To opposeRA-015 Opposition to Remote Proceeding at Evidentiary Hearing or Trial


IF EFILING, PLEASE NOTE: The opposition form should be submitted using the Document name Response to Intent to Appear by Video.



To notice:

  • Self-schedule a remote appearance no later than 15 hours in advance of the start of your appearance.
    • Note: Remote appearances may only be scheduled for hearings that are on calendar within the next 30 days.
    • A late request fee of $15 is to be charged for remote appearances scheduled less than two days before the scheduled hearing.  Refer to the bottom of this webpage for late fee exceptions.
  • Notify/notice all other parties no later than 5 court days before the hearing.

To oppose: By noon the court day before the hearing


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If the hearing is set in MORE than 15 court days:

  • To motion/notice: 10 court days before the hearing
  • To oppose: 5 court days before the hearing

If the hearing is set in LESS than 15 court days:

  • To motion/notice: The earliest/applicable deadline:
    • 5 court days before the hearing
    • If the notice to appear remotely is by the party asking for the hearing: With the moving papers.
    • If the notice to appear remotely is by any other party: By 2 pm the court day before.
  • To oppose: By noon the court day before the hearing


Non-Evidentiary Hearings

Any hearings where parties will not be providing oral testimony.


Simplified Notice Requirements Written Notice Requirements *


  • Case Management Conferences
  • Civil & Probate Law & Motion
  • Pretrial Conferences
  • Status Conferences


  • Settlement Conferences

*Zoom is available providing the notice of remote appearance is acknowledged prior to Mandatory Settlement Conference date. Learn more at this link



To notice: NONE. Parties do not need to file any forms – scheduling a remote appearance online is considered notice to the court.

  • Parties do need to notify/notice all other parties, however proofs of service are not required



To motion/notice: Submit RA-010 - Notice of Remote Appearance AND Local Form PL-CW010A - Attachment to Notice of Remote Appearance at the same time

  • Parties must either complete Declaration of Notice section on RA-010 or file a proof of service with the forms.

IF EFILING, PLEASE NOTE: The Notice and Attachment should be submitted as two SEPARATE documents in the same submission. Both forms should be submitted using the Document name Proposed Request for Remote Appearance: Non-Evidentiary.


To notice:

  • Self-schedule a remote appearance no later than 15 hours in advance of the start of your appearance..
    • Note: Remote appearances may only be scheduled for hearings that are on calendar within the next 30 days.
    • A late request fee of $15 is to be charged for remote appearances scheduled less than two days before the scheduled hearing.  Refer to the bottom of this webpage for late fee exceptions.
  • Notify/notice all other parties no later than 1 court day before the hearing.

Schedule Now



If the hearing is set in MORE than 3 court days: Notice 2 court days before the hearing


If the hearing is set in LESS than 3 court days: The earliest/applicable deadline:

  • If the notice to appear remotely is by the party asking for another hearing: With the moving papers.
  • If the notice to appear remotely is by any other party: By 2 pm the court day before the hearing.

* Written notices of intent to appear remotely subject to judicial review on a hearing-by-hearing basis for a determination of whether an in-person appearance would materially assist in the determination of the conference, hearing, or proceeding or in the effective management or resolution of the particular case.


Preparing for your remote appearance
  1. Confirm you received the link to connect the day PRIOR to the hearing. Pursuant to the Court’s Local Rules, remote appearance links WILL NOT be provided the same-day as your hearing.
    • For hearings that require “simplified” notice, you will be sent a videoconference link immediately after you complete the scheduling process. If you did not receive a link after completing the scheduling process, please reach out to the Court’s Remote Appearance Support line by calling (916)408-6000 and selecting option 8.
    • For hearings that require “written” notice, your filed notice of remote appearance will be reviewed by a judicial officer. If acknowledged, court staff will schedule the remote appearance on your behalf, or notify you that the hearing is now eligible for scheduling on the CourtCall website. If the judicial officer determines that an in person appearance would materially assist in hearing the matter, you are required to appear in person.
  2. Prepare in the same way you would if appearing in person.
    • Dress appropriately.
    • Think about your background. It is highly recommended that you be located indoors with limited background noise and distractions.
    • It is highly recommended to use a headset with a mic equipped.
    • Join the meeting up to 15 minutes early.
  3. Prior to connecting, ensure your device (must be equipped with a camera, microphone, and speaker) is compatible with the Court’s remote appearance system by reviewing the FAQs. You can find the technology related requirements to appear remotely in our Remote Appearance User Guide.
  4. Please enter both your first and last name when joining the meeting. It is highly encouraged to also include your case number.
  5. Your case may not be heard at the time the calendar is scheduled to start. You will be placed in the Virtual Hallway once connected. When you're ready for your appearance, mark yourself as "Ready To Join." The courtroom will admit you into the meeting once it's time for your case to be called. Once your case is called, please unmute yourself and turn on your video. Keep in mind your case may not be called for a few hours. 
  6. The remote appearance confirmation email you receive will ONLY be valid for the hearing you are scheduled for. The conference link provided to you will not work if your matter is continued or has another hearing set. You will either need to schedule yourself or request a remote appearance for future hearings
Electronic Evidence

Evidence sharing is available to case/events designated as eligible for both remote appearance and evidence sharing. This includes:

  • Default Judgments
  • Small Claims Hearings and Trials
  • Short Cause Civil Court Trials

Only once you’ve signed up for a remote appearance – OR – confirmation that the other party has signed up, you can access electronic evidence.

Remote appearance fee/payment

Pursuant to California Rules of Court, rule 3.672(k) and Government Code section 70630, parties who are assessed a filing fee in civil, family, and probate cases shall be charged a cost recovery fee of $27.50 ($25 remote appearance fee plus $2.50 credit card transaction fee) for audio and video appearances. The court will accept:

  • eChecks
  • Visa Credit Cards
  • Mastercard Credit Cards

NO cash, paper checks or a debit account will be accepted.

If a party has a fee waiver for the case, the remote appearance fee is waived.

CLICK HERE for information on how to request a refund.

Late payment

Pursuant to Local Rule 10.24, a late request fee of $15 is to be charged for audio and video appearances scheduled less than two days before the scheduled hearing.

Exceptions to the late fee:

(A) When an opposing party has provided timely notice on an ex parte application;

(B) When the Court, on its own motion, sets a hearing or conference on shortened time/notice;

(C) When the matter has a tentative ruling posted within the two day period; and

(D) When a party elects to appear remotely after receiving notice of another party's intent to appear remotely.

The court reserves the right to audit remote appearances scheduled online. If the court finds that a party has made a late appearance per Local Rule 10.24 and a false selection was made, the party will be charged the additional $15 and may be referred to collections.